October 29, 2011

Winning poll comment

Flynn needed a babysitter because his mom was working late and Cece and Rocky were sleeping over at Rocky's house. Ty and Deuce volunteered to babysit. They both got there at the same time. "Hey." They both said. "Hey." Flynn responded. "You alright?" "Flynn, you look upset?" "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that..." "What is it?" "Well, in Health we are starting to talk about puberty." "And you don't feel like you measure up to what the pictures depict." Deuce asked. "Yeah." "All guys feel that way." "Don't worry you're young, you'll get there." "Ok, I'll be in my room."Ok, tell us if you have any questions." "Ok."

They waited for him to walk out. Once they heard his door close, Deuce walked to the DVD player and hit play. "Oh yeah." Ty yelled. "Ty, keep it down." "Ok, where is the remote. It's a little loud." "I don't see it." Flynn's door opened and he was shocked at what he saw. On the screen was gay porn. "Here is the remote and what is that? "Ty snatched the remote from his hand and turned off the tv." "Oh nothing." "How old do you think I am. I know what porn is." "What do they teach you at school?" "If you don't tell anyone that you watched it, then I guess you can stay." "I promise." They turned the tape back on and let him stay. 5 minutes into the tape, Flynn yelled out "Stop." "What's wrong." "Everyone in the movie looks so much larger than me." "Flynn, in porn movies they enlarge things. In real life, they don't look like that." "Really?" "Really, I mean look at this." And with that Deuce loosened his belt and took his pants off revealing his 6 inch penis. "See, I'm not that big." "Oh well. That makes me feel better about myself." And with that Flynn took off his pants to reveal a 5 inch penis. "Wow, man that's embarrassing. He's 10 years old and he's not that much bigger than you." "Hey, I don't see your penis." "Well, you asked for it." Then Ty unzipped his pants and revealed an 8 inch penis. "So you see Flynn, not every guy is the same. We are all different shapes and sizes." Well thank you Ty that does genuinely help. But,.." "What's wrong. I've been getting these urges to masturbate. How did you guys know." "All guys get that urge. I guess I started out when I was your age." "Well, how do you do it exactly." "I could probably show you better than I can tell you." 

do you like the story 


  1. Please continue this it is so hot!!!! I love this and if you could add pictures that would be awesome too, but if not thats ok. But please keep on writing this story!

  2. omg this is fucking hot please post more

  3. awesome write more! *fap*


  5. please keep it coming this story is so fucking hot!!

  6. fap fap fap fap
